Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability
Pitzer College’s Core Value of Environmental Sustainability comes to life in the education, advocacy, and critical research of the Conservancy

Visit SoCalEarth.orgJust launched: Our new online tool,, encourages SoCal policymakers, planners, community members, students, and developers to apply a climate-informed approach to their decision-making.
Explore topics interlinked within ecological systems, such as biodiversity, climate, energy, food, indigeneity, and water.
Read About SoCal Earth in the LAistAbout Us
Founded in 2012 and named in honor of Robert Redford’s commitment to environmental advocacy and former service on the Pitzer College Board of Trustees, the Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability at Pitzer College aims to increase socio-ecological justice and sustainability in our surrounding communities and beyond.
Our Programs

Robert Redford Student Fellowship
Fellows are a diverse and passionate team of Pitzer students committed to collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to environmental sustainability, the longevity of Southern California’s natural environment, and the well-being of its people.
Meet Our Fellows
Environmental Education Program
The Conservancy offers environmental educational tours and activities, which provide K-12 students with hands-on environmental classes and experiences.
View Our Program
Regenerative Agriculture
The Student Garden is an ecological and educational green space planned, run, and maintained entirely by our students.
Our Student Garden
Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy
Pitzer students take a collaborative approach to environmental sustainability and education while working on local and national policy and advocacy.
Contact Us
Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California